Monday, September 27, 2010

Two became One

It all started about a year ago when my little sis, Kelly Jo, was anxiously awaiting her first date with a man she met on her coed soccer team. She called me and my older sister to gain back some of the confidence she had lost after being disappointed time and time again on the "dating scene". You see, Kelly Jo knew exactly what she wanted...and if the shoes weren't white enough or perhaps too white, the personality wasn't goofy enough, or there wasn't even the smallest spark to lead to a potential fire…she was done. Kelly Jo knew her future husband needed no spark because the chemistry would be as obvious as a burning blaze in front of her. She did go on the date that night, but you can imagine my concern when I didn't hear from her the next day. I thought we would be tallying this one under the "failed date" column and rally again for the next potential suitor. I decided to give her a few days to rebound before I called her. Days later, when I finally picked up the phone, I was prepared to give the infamous “do not give up" pep talk. Picture my surprise and pleasant shock when Kelly Jo began to tell me how amazingly fantastic this "Jon" guy was. I actually had to catch my breath to learn that Kelly Jo couldn't even find one little thing wrong with him. Could he be…the one?

A few months later, at a family gathering in my parent's Virginia home, I saw my smitten sis. She was texting Jon every thirty seconds and giggling at his witty replies. I knew this was serious by the joy in her smile and the calm, quiet, peace in her heart. I think we all knew a wedding would be in their near future because when it comes to love you know when you know, but you don't know until you know. Ya know?

That was the beginning of their story. This past weekend about 130 friends and family gathered to celebrate the start of the first chapter in their lives as the two of them became one flesh.

I was unable to take pictures of the ceremony (for obvious reasons), although there was concern I would carry my camera down the aisle instead of the bouquet of flowers. I also chose to relax and enjoy my sister's day camera free so I am looking forward to seeing the photographer's pictures in the near future. I took pictures of the week of celebrations leading up to the beautiful ceremony.

It started out with a Bang as the girls got together for Kelly Jo's Bachelorette. Everything was planned to a Tee (literally). We were all dressed to impressed with matching purple shirts, visors, a sock puppet (yes, it's true!) and a fun little saying on the back of the t-shirts. What was on my sister's t-shirt you ask?? "Ask me to do the Raptor" an inside joke/talent that Kelly has possessed and perfected that last couple years. Please be sure to check out the transformation in the pictures below.

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Jon and Kelly were married on a beautiful plantation in Virginia. We all walked down a brick walkway and ended at a beautiful Gazebo on top of a hill.

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Here was the view from the Gazebo:


Time to prep....

Pic 2

Finally! The moment had arrived when Jon would watch my beautiful sister walk down the aisle and a beautiful bride she was....

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Kelly Jo and Jon, may your love grow stronger with each passing day.



The bride and Addisyn, the day after

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Say it isn't so!

This particular post and pictures are a little over a week late, but that is partially because I am in denial. My dear sweet, Goombers, Love-bug, Bug, Bear, is eight months old! I can’t believe how time has seemingly strapped on a jet pack, hit the boosters, and blasted off leaving me standing still, hair blown back, wondering where it went. I mean, seriously can I puh-lease get a pause button? Please? Pretty-please!!!?? And I am not even asking in hopes to keep my brown hair all one color and my eye wrinkles smooth. I just really, really, want to capture every moment with Addisyn all over again. Honestly, would ya blame a girl for wanting to pause moments like these?


(Insert deep breath and big sigh)

I know. Life doesn’t work like that and seriously that is why I daily need to embrace these moments and make sure those cheeks get all the kisses they can handle. So do me a favor and pick up the closest love-bug to you (whomever that bug is) and tell them you love them. Life is short and can be sweet if you LIVE in LOVE.

Please enjoy some pictures of Addisyn’s first week of being eight months old! A day in the life of Addisyn at eight months and one week: discovering, crawling, drooling, napping, wondering, cruising, standing, and chewing.









Until next time,

Stacy Hart

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I love my readers and I am so sorry that I have been away for over a week, but rest assured it has been for a wonderful reason.

Steve and I have anticipated this moment for several months and we were overjoyed to have the opportunity to finally pack up Ms. Addisyn and drive an hour to the Philadelphia Airport to pick up her Nana. Nana flew all the way out to Delaware from California to see her granddaughter for the second time since she was born. We don't get to see Nana as often as we would like, but we are so blessed when we do. Infact, this November, Addisyn will meet her Papa, aunt Kasie, uncle Matt, uncle Robbie, and cousins Treydan and Matty for the first time. If I could only find those money tree seeds, I would plant myself a tree and reap from the branches as often as the leaves would sprout to fund a flight out to California. Addisyn's time with Nana is precious and this past week was all about the two of them.  Most of the time was spent relaxing as a family, but it took a conscious effort from Nana not to constantly kiss all over Addisyn's adorable little cheeks.

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As Nana's do best, Addisyn was spoiled for a whole week. Oh heck, let's be honest...I was spoiled for a whole week too. Addisyn has discovered the freedom of movement and is going nonstop in every direction. A third set of eyes, arms, and legs was exactly what this tired and busy mommy needed this week. With Nana to the rescue, I caught up on some picture editing for clients. Nana loved all over her.. first thing in the morning as Addisyn's eyes were adjusting to the morning commotion from the dogs.

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and at the local orchard and farmer's market

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and on a girls shopping outing for Addisyn's fall and winter wardrobe. Thank you, Nana, for getting her the fruit chewy thingy. She loves sucking the juice out of fresh fruit.

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Addisyn also graduated from the carseat to sitting up like a big girl in the shopping cart. BTW- does anyone know where I can get a good deal on those shopping cart covers? Even though I cleaned every nook and cranny within her grasp, I would still feel better with something to cover it. I digress. My point: she was on the move this week; crawling, climbing, shopping, and traveling.

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We made a special trip to Virginia so Nana could see where I grew up. Oh no Addisyn! Two grandma's at once. Whatever will you do :-)

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She played and talked and moved all about...

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but her favorite activity was to go on a walk with her Grandma and Nana.

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The time with Nana was too short. The week went by entirely too fast and before we knew it, we were saying goodbye

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Thank you, Nana, for all the wonderful moments you spent with Addisyn. I know she feels your love.

Until November,

Stacy and Addisyn

Fun find: Steve's demo cd is FINALLY available on itunes for purchase. Please feel free to look up "Hart Strong" and give them a listen or a purchase. If you want a sample taste click here

I love interacting with my readers. My goal is to share the joys of motherhood and love with you. I am a new mom and I love to hear other mommy advice. Please feel free to keep in touch with me by leaving a comment.  Click on the comment link found below.

~ One more for love!

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