Thursday, June 27, 2013

My fitness journey

After seven months, I have FINALLY hit my first fitness goal of getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I actually stepped on the scale and it was 1.4 lbs LESS then my pre-pregnancy weight so I jumped off real quick and waited for the word “Error” to show on the digital screen. But it never came. And so I stepped on it again, just to make sure, and it said the same thing.  Still, I wanted to be completely sure so I stepped on and off the scale about seven more times and the same number hit each time. I think I may have developed OCD during this process.  After the tenth time of seeing the blue digital 146.6 lbs, I believed it. This is how I make it official; by writing a blog post.  I figured since I have been Instagramming (@stacylynnhart) my fitness journey for quite awhile, it was time for a blog post. Besides, I was totally going to take a pic of me standing on the scale with that awesome number staring back at me, but thought better of it after looking at my piggies. Girl has got to get herself a pedicure after a few trips to the beach.

And I digress…

To some extent I have always wanted exercise to be a part of my daily routine and have never really let longer than a month go by of not exercising (sans pregnancy). Exercising is important to me, for no other reason than it makes me feel good. I once saw a motivational poster that said, “I’ll never regret a workout I did, only the one I didn’t do.” That pretty much sums up my idea on exercise. I actually feel guilty if I let more than a few days go by without exercising. Still, regardless of how blah I feel when I don’t exercise; life sometimes just gets in the way to stop me from getting it accomplished. There was a time when I thought things were getting more organized, my priorities-prioritized and everything moving in a favorable direction... and then, I had Kellan. This has nothing to do with Kellan (he is as squishy, lovey, and yummy as they come). It has to do with the division of time and daily sacrifices that come into play the minute another child was introduced into a schedule we worked three years to get right. I was experiencing another priority shift. Where there once was a little bit of "free" time, it now was nonexistent. Probably around four weeks post delivery I was itching to get back out and start to exercise, but I would wonder how I was going to make exercise a priority with everything I had going on. I couldn’t wake up at 5:00am because I was working until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning editing pictures and answering emails and up at all hours of the night nursing Kellan.  I couldn’t exercise at night because Steve wasn’t getting back from work until way past dinner.  And almost any point during the day was going to require creativity with finding something for the kids to do while I exercised.  Not to mention I have a handful of other responsibilities throughout the day that, if not done, would drive me crazy.       

 This is where I decide to make some sacrifices.  Making one thing a priority means sacrificing something else. For me, that means a neat and tidy house and a little bit of family time. I’m still working on that “having it all together” thing so maybe one day this will change...  Luckily I have a health conscience hubby who challenges me on this level more than the clean house level. He gets what Elle Woods  from Legally Blonde says best, "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill their husbands. They just don't".  Ha!  Exercise = happier wife. Happier wife = happier husband.  He encourages me to get out there and get it done...even on the days when I am overwhelmed with other tasks or too tired, he encourages me.  The result? I am so much happier!!! and for that reason I am so stinkin' motivated right now.   

Here are my accomplishments so far and some future goals I wish to hit this year as far as fitness is concern.


1.      Longest run this year 7.3 miles

2.      CrossFit three days a week

3.      PR’d my 1 rep max deadlift at 200lbs

4.      146.6 lbs

5.      Lost one jean size (currently at size 9)


1.      Cut out 50% of my soda intake

2.      Drink my 64 ounces of water a day

3.      Run 13.1 miles J

4.      Get down to size 8 jeans

5.      Body fat down to 20%

6.      140 lbs

7.      Do a pull up without a band and PR a few more things J
More blog posts to come about fitness...maybe with before and after pics :-)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Elle | Four Days New | Delaware Newborn Photography

Little Elle, the future social butterfly. 

Despite my very best rocking and shhh shhh shhhing efforts, she wanted to stay awake for her photography debut and was perfectly content just being swaddled and hanging out with me and her momma.  Luckily she gave in to me around hour two and we knocked out some awesome pics the last hour. And oh, did she make it easy for me after that. The editing and all :-) 



I am offering a new great deal each month this summer for Delaware, Maryland and Northern Virginia residents who may be expecting. Please be sure to check out and follow my Facebook page for my newborn photography deals here

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