Friday, January 14, 2011

Photog Friday - Slow down and get another viewpoint!

Yay! I am super STOKED with a capital S-T-OKED to be starting “Photog Friday”. I am thoroughly enjoying my life in the “mommy” blogging world and I want to discover more about the craziness and wonderfulness that is blogging. I need MORE! And I think using “Photog Fridays” as a platform to bond with other photographers or photography enthusiasts is exactly what is missing. In short, let’s get to know each other! I am promising I won’t be giving expert technical advice, but

The following are some reasons why you might want to check out this blog post every Friday…

-If you love photography and want to learn more…like me.

-If you want to practice photography, but do not have any guidelines or assignments.

-If you are bored at work, ready for the weekend, and need something to read

-If you want to chat about life, love, and photography

-If you want to get to know me more (because I want to get to know you more)

-If you are starting your own business and want to relate to someone, this girl is for you.


-If you have a weird addiction to reading mommy and photography blogs much like I do.

So let’s get started…

Composition is something that I used to struggle with often. I would approach each subject from the front and then begin snapping away and all I would end up with was a full 16GB compact flash card and only about five pictures, worthy of telling the story. One of the first lessons I learned is that if I approach from the front all the time, I could miss the opportunity to tell the story. So I am giving myself an assignment this week and I would love for you to join. I am going to find a subject to photograph and then I am going to stop, take a breath, slow down and take a picture of the subject in the same place, but from ten different viewpoints. If you feel like your pictures are coming out flat, please join me in the fun. It is all about PRACTICE! Remember to take your time and to think through each shot. I will post my update (with pics) to this post next Friday, but in the future I will have the pictures ready for you. I was so excited about Photog Friday and I couldn’t put it off another week.

With Love,

Stacy Hart

P.S. It wouldn’t be a complete blog post without even one picture. Here is a pic that I took from the front, but isn’t it ever so cute?

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