Monday, August 6, 2012

Soaking It In

Okay, let’s just get real with each other. This blogging thing is hard when you’re pregnant. There is a massive decrease in motivation of all daily activities that combines itself with my brain vaulting all intelligent vocabulary for nine months.  All rational thought and behavior is replaced with an insane amount of tear duct juice and it is starting to be a bit ridiculous. The other day I cried while watching the last thirty minutes of Homeward Bound.  For the WHOLE THIRTY MINUTES! Shadow the dog fell in the mud pit by the railroad tracks and couldn’t get out after this crazy adventure through the wild and then his friends, Chance and Sassy, encouraged him to try to get out.  Chance and Sassy find their home and reunite with their owners, but Shadow hadn’t made it back…yet…until little Peter sees Shadow coming over the hill running to him, in slow motion mind you, and they embrace and roll all over the yard in deep emotion. C’mon!!!?  Cue open flood gates.

And while I am on the complain train…

I’m totally down for these hot summer days if it means daily trips to the pool and beach. BUT, this whole thing about being hot and pregnant with no refreshing bodies of water right outside my front door? It makes me want to hibernate in the a/c until I can step outside my door and be greeted by the pleasant autumn breeze.  I am a summer and autumn gal.  I never want to rush either of these seasons and I do a fairly good job of enjoying the moments they both bring me, but – in my pregnant state –  if we could fast forward to the cool crisp mornings and lukewarm afternoons, I swear I would jump off this summer sweat train.  Well, maybe…
There is still the fact that I am typing all of this laying flat on my back because sitting up means an uncomfortable pressure on my bladder and lungs. Whew. Okay, I think I am done. My whining takes on a whole new life form when I am pregnant. I can’t wait until I am back to the more energized me again. 

Here is the positive news. I have a baby in my belly!!! AND I am cherishing my sweet summer moments with my little girl. I am fully aware that our daily one-on-one time is coming to an end and I am holding on as tight as ever, making the most of our time together.  Even if it means I give in to an extra frozen yogurt pop request or watch one more rerun of Doc McStuffins while holding her; I’m soaking it all in.
The past few weeks we have been taking trips to the beach, finding quiet hidden spots and gathering with friends and family.

and just a little pool time for us...

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