Monday, August 23, 2010


I am a sucker for a good tear jerking moment. You know, when the receiver of the underdog team tiptoes the sideline to score a winning touchdown in the fourth quarter? Oh how the tears start rolling down my cheeks as if my eyes were big thunderous rain clouds when I see a family drop to their knees upon seeing a new home for the first time after the words “Move that bus!” are screamed on Extreme Makeover Home Edition. And when that YouTube video comes across my Facebook page that shows military members reuniting with their loved ones, I am thankful that I am viewing it in the comfort of my own home so as not to embarrass myself with mascara smeared cheeks. I was so fortunate to have one of these moments this past week when I watched my husband and daughter get baptized at church last Sunday.


This was without a doubt, one of the proudest moments I have ever had. I am hoping one day Addisyn will grow up to see these pictures and realize how special it is that she was baptized on the same day as her dad. I hope that one day he will share his story with her so she can see that her dad has had one inspirational spiritual journey. Also, in that conversation, I hope he shares the amazing talent that God has gifted him. I like to call it “lyrical genius”, but Steve will simply say it is something he loves to do. You see, he has a knack for rhyming. He has used it to woo me a time or two in great romantic poems, but his mission with rhyming is much bigger than making my little heart hop, skip, and jump a beat. He has a greater purpose to spread the Word through rap music. As he says in the track titled: My Purpose

“I have a dream and a vision/ that is seen with precision/

And felt in my soul with pristine intuition/

To make music for God is the means of my mission/

Give Him my submission/ which means I’m a Christian/” – Hart Strong

We stopped by the studio last weekend to hang out and so I can catch some shots of Steve in the vocal booth recording his final song “The Outro” with his producer Christian Lantry.


His first single “MARCH!” will be available on iTunes in a few weeks and the full demo available in about a month or so (which will have my favorite song “Without You” featuring an amazing vocal performance from Rebecca Wood; one of our fellow church members). I truly think he has the talent, passion, and desire to see through his dream of spreading the Gospel of Christ with music and lyrics. I should know… I’m his biggest fan!

Until next time,

Stacy Hart

Friday, August 13, 2010

Baby Blues

These baby blues can cure my "blues" in just one glance. They can make the sun shine brighter and the flowers smell sweeter.

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Even the most genuine and innocent stare makes my heart full in an instant.

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They captivate me into laying next to her while she sips on her bottle even though she no longer needs me to hold it.

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They even make me stop in the most simple morning routine to take a quick picture.

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My cup runneth over.

With Love,

Recipe of the week  (not my recipe...again)

Recipe for the most delicious Ham Rolls:

1 stick butter

1 Tb Worcestershire sauce

1 Tb Dry Mustard

1 Tb poppy seeds

2 TB Brown Sugar

1 lb. VA Baked Ham

1 lb. Swiss Cheese

Boil ingredients. Put ham and cheese inside rolls and place in 13 x 9 pan. Spoon boiled mixture over rolls. Let sit overnight in refrigerator. In morning, bake at 350 for 15 minutes or until cheese melts.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Snapshots of my weekend

There are times when my plate is too full and I just have to lighten my load. Therefore, this post is short and sweet. Please enjoy the tiny snapshots of my wonderful weekend celebrating my little sister's bridal shower!

First, just a reminder of the beautiful couple: Jon and Kelly Jo.

Keljo, I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle. You will make the most beautiful bride and a wonderful wife. Jon is a lucky man!


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Thank you to all the ladies that helped to throw such a special bridal shower for my little sister. She surrounds herself with wonderful friends.


P.S. The cupcakes rocked! Thank you, Kim and Brandy.

Monday, August 2, 2010

K.I.S.S. (Keep it Simple Stacy)

Imagine that. It took the most amazing, detailed, time-consuming, esteemed, critical, and sometimes complicated job of motherhood to make me realize that at the end of the day, happiness means keeping life simple.

(Mind you, this post is coming from a former career driven female that enjoyed the world of business suits, nice paychecks, and moving up the corporate ladder.)

It was all planned for me, but not the way I envisioned it. I knew I would love my daughter, but I would love her all the while enjoying the financial comforts of being a working mom. I was looking forward to the perks of my fast paced career progression and boy was I loving the fact that we were about to put an offer on a beautiful beach style home that had every last item on my dream house checklist. It was complete with a white picket fence edging the perfectly manicured lawn. My plan was set. And then...God threw in the towel for me on that life. He knew what my heart needed more than I knew what it needed. He had a plan for my life and I am beginning to realize with each passing day His plan for me is to simplify my life down to this one thing: LOVE.

Okay, so to be honest there is this amazing pair of boots I want for $135.00 and I would love to be living in a perfect newly built ranch home instead of a three story townhouse. Not to mention there are those flashing moments when I yearn for someone to randomly present me with $1,000.00 in cash and tell me to go spend it on myself. In my dreams, I know....BUT my point is that I do have the days that everyone else has. The days when the material wants and desires get the better part of me. They clutter and complicate my life only for a brief moment and then I rebound back to what my focus and attention is supposed to be on: the giggles coming from the living room floor where Steve and Addisyn play on the ground mimicking the sounds that the other has heard. You see, it is not the newest toy, the biggest TV, the coolest outfit, or the best video game that is going to make Addisyn's life fulfilled. It is simply the love that surrounds her.

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Livin the simple life,
Stacy Hart

** Thank you to Alicia for providing the beautiful flower head band

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