About the Blog

Hi, I am Stacy Hart. Welcome to my blog!

I started blogging while I was two months pregnant with my little angel, Addisyn Faith. The original idea was to allow my friends and family to be involved with the experience of my pregnancy and eventually to blog about being a new mom. Looking back, I was crazy to think I could add blogging to my daily grind of full time employment (with a two hour commute), part time grad student, exercising, house cleaning, laundry, and most importantly being a wife and mother (whew! I’m exhausted just thinking about it). I didn’t know it then, but becoming a mother would end up changing the course of my life (and my blog) more than I ever could have imagined.

After the birth of my beautiful daughter Addisyn, I took twelve weeks off from my job as an Assistant Trust Relationship Manager for delivery recovery with every intention of going back to work full time. Steve (my husband, you’ll find out about him later) and I had done our research on different child care agencies, weighed our options, and were blessed to find a very special family from our church who was delighted to watch Addisyn when the time came for me to return to work. With this crucial find, the stage was set for me to return to the 60 hours a week I would spend away from my home and my daughter. Pre-delivery I remember thinking that twelve weeks seemed like plenty of time for my body to recover and for me to be ready to go back into work full swing. Little did I know how strong the arms of a newborn are around the heart of her mother.

Twelve weeks went by so fast! I was waking up four times a night for feedings and changing. When I actually slept (if that’s what you want to call it) I would close my eyes and end up somewhere between being fully alert and what it feels like to take a light nap. I woke up at every sniff, rustle, and kick to make sure Addisyn was okay. When she wailed I tried to calm her, when she was frightened I tried to put her at ease, and when she smiled with her bright blue eyes looking up at me…I SMILED! She was so beautiful. Some nights I would hold her after she had finished nursing and watch her little chest rise and fall with sleeping breaths and wonder how on earth we ever made something so special. I was in love.

When I finally had to go back to work, I felt like I was crying constantly. As it turned out my body made it back, but my heart stayed an hour away in the arms of my little girl. I would sob in the mornings on my commute after dropping her off at the sitter’s. I would cry at night anticipating spending another ten hours without her, and I’d even cry at work sometimes. At first I tried to be discrete about my afflicted circumstance, but everyone knew I didn’t come back the same business driven career woman who had left just twelve weeks ago. I missed my little girl. Even though my mind knew I had work to do and Steve and I were better off financially with a dual income, without my heart, I couldn’t function. People tried to tell me it would get easier and that everything would be okay, but I didn’t want it to get easier! I didn’t want to become numb to the most natural motherly feeling of needing to be with my daughter. I know many women can manage careers and still be great moms, but for me the yearning for my daughter was more than I could bear.

My attempt at being a full time employee and full time mother lasted about two weeks. One night while rocking and sobbing my sweet angel to sleep, another angel appeared to me in the form of my handsome and thoughtful husband and he said to me, “Stacy, you need to quit your job and be home with Addisyn.” Just like that- no hesitation, no fear about money, he was only armored with his faith that God would provide for our family. It was in that moment that I knew we would be okay so long as we had love. Sometimes….most times…it’s all you need.

I quit my job the next day and as one career came to an end, one dream opportunity to pursue my passion of photography began. And so… my journey as a new mother and photographer begins here and will unfold before you on this blog.


  1. We love you guys and miss you soooo much! You guys have such a beautiful family and did a amazing job on this blog!!! hugs and kisses
    Love kasie, Trey man, and little Matty

  2. So glad your husband saw the value in you being able to stay home. I know not everyone can make that happen! You take beautiful photos.


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