Monday, March 28, 2011

My hubby - Hart Strong

He’s my breath of fresh air. The kind I need when I am having a bad day and the kind I feel when he walks through the front door.

He gives the best good-morning kisses. Not the kind that are rushed and routine, but the kind that linger for a moment longer and leave my lips tingling.

He is the cause of almost all of my laughter and inspires the goofiest side of me. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Yikes! How did that get in here?

He defines a part of who I am - a proud wife wanting to make him the happiest husband. And it certainly doesn't hurt that I think he is incredibly handsome.

He is a writer - passionate about his words and lyrics.

He is a musician - Taking hip-hop music and turning it into something positive

He has a ministry. To reach out to youth who may be lost and to show them Christ’s abounding love.

To go to Hart Strong's facebook page - Click here

Check out some of his work on youtube by clicking here.

To go to Hart Strong's next event check out the "Summer Bash Youth Rally" Facebook page -click here.
Want Hart Strong music on your iPod ? check him out on itunes :-)

To check out our personal love story, click here.


  1. Oooooh Mama!! Blue is DEFINITELY his color!! ;) Great pics, once again, Stac!

  2. Yes, yes it is :-) Thank you Angela!


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